…to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  – Romans 8:6

If a man does not have a heartfelt sense that, besides him and God, there is no one else in the world, he cannot find peace of soul.- Saint Alonius

Let us cut sin out of our heart, and we will find within us the Kingdom of Heaven. – Saint Philotheos of Sinai

Peace is liberation from passions, which cannot be attained without the action of the Holy Spirit.  – Saint Mark the Ascetic

…he who would be reconciled to God and have peace with God must first be reconciled with his neighbor.        – Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

When holy peace reigns in my soul, then surely the King of Peace dwells within me, the Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and then especially I ought to be full of feelings of gratitude to the Lord of Peace, and endeavor with all my strength to preserve this peace within me by means of fervent prayer and by abstaining from every sin, both inward and outward.- Saint John of Kronstadt