Alexander Ogorcdnikov, 31, serving an 11 year sentence of strict regime labor camp and exile (see “Orthodox Arnericaā€¯ Feb.1981) is in the sixth month of a hunger strike to demand of a Bible. He is now in the medical section of the Perm 36 labor camp, and is apparently being force-fed.  He is married with a young son. 

Vladimir Poresh, another former leader of the Christian Seminar, in Perm camp 35, is also on a hunger strike in demand of a Bible. He was sentenced April 1980 to 5 years’ strict regime camp and 3 years’ internal exile.  Poresh is married with two small children.  His camp address is:

Xeston also reports that Pr. Gleb Yakunin is to go on hunger strike if his Bible is not returned and if he is not allowed access to religious literature. Mrs. Yakunin ensured that the Bible he took with him to camp was one printed in the Soviet Union under the official auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate. There is no known prison regulation forbidding the possession of purely religious  literature. Fr. Gleb is in labor camp in Perm serving 5 years’ strict regime camp to be followed by 5 years’ exile. (KNS-129)